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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Meet my new Frenemy...

... and the reason I have not blogged in forever...

 These past two weeks have been miserable! I thought you were supposed to start feeling BETTER towards you 2nd trimester, not worse. At first my pregnancy went very smooth. I never threw up, and I hardly ever felt nauseous. The worst thing I had to deal with was MIGRAINES. Then all of a sudden the past two weeks I have had a MIGRAINES galore, and then throwing up all day! Not Fun!

Anyone know of anything that helps? So far nothing has worked! Hopefully I will be back to normal soon!


Erin said...

I'm sorry. That is no fun. I don't know what to tell you about the migraines, but I can help with the morning sickness. I would take 1/2 a unisom before bed, and that would help kick the ms the next day. I don't know why it works, but it absolutely does. Gingerale helped. .and preggy pops from Motherhood Maternity. Hopefully something will work for you. :/

Shandi and Alex said...

Not necessarily offering anything that helps, but rest assured I felt great until I was 10 weeks and then I wanted to die as well. Saltines, gingerale, and the couch became my best friend.

The Mattingly Family said...

Sorry your feeling so bad. I don't know if it will help you but for me sucking on a mint helps the nausea. I like those big wintergreen lifesavers. It might be worth a try, can hurt and they taste good. Not sure about the headaches, but I know your pain. I like warm baths and hot or cold compresses to my head. My doctor also said excedrin tension headache pills were ok because there is no aspirin in them just the Tylenol and some caffeen. Might be worth a try. Good luck.

Thomas and Amanda Provstgaard said...

Being sick while pregnant is the worst! I hope you've started to feel better!

Unknown said...

thanks for all the advice!

Erin, I have heard about the preggy pops before...I think I might try them.

Shandi, I'm right there with ya, the couch has become my new best friend!

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