Unfortunately, to my dismay, I got a not so fun phone call from Spencer saying he was in an accident and that the car was totaled. I was freaking out to say the least! It was not the kind of phone call you want to be getting. I was very thankful that my husband was not hurt. Not a scratch. I think the worst was a little whip lash. THANK GOODNESS.
The most frustrating part is that about a month ago Spencer's car broke down and we have not had the chance to get it repaired, so we have been struggling to work out our schedules with only one car. It has been hard enough...but now we are officially down to ZERO cars. Oh boy.
Luckily we have family near by who has been so willing and helpful. Spencer's brother offered we could use their car until we figure something out.
Although this has been very stressful I have been trying to see the silver lining in this dark cloud. So far I have been able to come up with a few silver linings...
- Spencer was NOT hurt! I know this could have ended much worse and I thank my lucky stars that someone upstairs was looking after him.
- We both have amazing families who live nearby and are always there for us.
- My car is value is much more than I paid for it, so we are hoping to actually come out on top with money. So if we buy a car for the same price I paid, the extra money will help lower my loan.
- The accident was not Spencer's fault, so no big ticket or anything, the other guy was not only at fault but he also got arrested for a DUI.
- Even though car shopping can be a pain, we have actually been pretty luckily with finding quite a few cars that we like. Hopefully they will still be available when we get our money!
Lexy! Car shopping does suck (been there done that)! I am so sorry! If you guys need a ride or anything just let me know. I am happy to help :)
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