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Monday, May 9, 2011

A mothers day to remember....

Yesterday was quite the adventure for me.... not one that I would do again either.

About 11 or so I started having pains in my right side, I didn't think much of it and just tried to ignore it, but it slowly got worse. I drove to work around 12:30 thinking it would go away but by the time I got there my stomach hurt so bad my manager sent me home.

Spencer called our doctor and explained the pain, she told us it sounded like appendicitis or kidney stones (oh joy) and  to go the ER.

So off to the ER we went. After waiting and getting blood drawn, getting wheeled to the ultrasound room twice all they could come with was that is was MAYBE kidney stones or MAYBE appendicitis, but they couldn't really do much with out doing X-rays which was out of the question. The ultrasound tech told us he thought the baby was just pushing on my something that was blocking off my kidneys.

So basically after hours of being at the ER we went home with the orders to rest,  and if it got worse to come back. And thankfully it was apparently nothing major because we did not have to go back...

So there you have my First mothers day extravaganza!

** The bright side to all of this... we got a little sneak peak of Baby Girl in the ultrasound, in 3D too! Maybe I should fake stomach problems and go in again ;)

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