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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Moving :(

Have I ever mentioned that I HATE moving with a passion! I HATE everything about it! The packing, the dejunking, the cleaning the hauling of big boxes, the unloading big boxes, the unpacking and trying to reorganize things! Not to mention I always tend to lose things in the mix! Well our year lease is up and ironically at the same time Spencer's parents are leaving on a mission and offered for us to live at their house while they are gone. God has a funny sense of humor. When they announce back in January that they were putting in their papers I told Spencer we were NOT going to live in their house while they were gone, so don't even think about it! He even agreed. BUT then we found out we were pregnant, I didn't want to work after having the baby and then the shop was not getting as much business which meant less hours for Spencer. So much to my dismay and my many many many many tantrums we have packed up our cute little apartment and moved into his parents house. I'm going to be honest I am still not happy about this. We still have not unpacked our boxes and I everytime I try I start to cry. It may be part hormones but I also LOVED our apartment! It felt like such a nice little home for us! And even though it wasn't ours it still felt like ours! Now living in his parents house we are going to have to live around their stuff. One of the spare bedrooms is packed solid with all their stuff, the kitchen still has all their stuff in the cupboards and we can't even use our own furniture (besides our bed). I know it sounds selfish but I HATE using other people stuff! I just want to use my own! in fact I would rather have no couches than to use other peoples couches!

I am trying to be positive about this, but I am having a  hard time! I know it will be helpful for us down the road so I am trying! This 1 1/2 year cannot go by fast enough!

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