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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree!

This year my mom and I decided to get Christmas tree tags and cut down our own tree! It was only $10, and we thought it would be fun. My mom went with some friends and unfortunately Spence and I could not go because I had to work :( So Spencer and I had to find a day when I did not work. His dad came along with us, and thank goodness too! We would not have been able to do that all by ourselves! While it was quite the adventure I think next year we'll let someone else do all the work, and we'll spend a little more money :)

First off the place where we could cut the tree was WAY out in the middle of nowhere, and to get a good tree had to hike quite a bit. Which wouldn't have been so bad BUT the combination of treking through the deep snow plus the cold air equals asthma and a hard time for Lexy. I had to keep stopping to catch my breath, so I spent a lot of my time just chilling in the snow while Spencer looked for the perfect tree. At that point I didn't care, I just wanted to be done, especially since we had seen a few that would have worked, but someone was being a little picky ;) Well we finally found what we thought was the perfect tree, cut it down and had to drag that sucker back down the hill. Which you would think would be the easy part. Ha! Not so much! It was surprisingly hard! I wish we could have gone with my mom, sheesh, they had a four wheeler! No fair! ;)

Oh well it was still fun, but we won't be doing that again...


                                                                         on the ride there

  looking for the perfect tree..

 Still looking...

 Chopping it down!
The Funny thing is we thought the tree was perfect, but when we got it home, it was actually pretty big for our little apartment haha, it looked so round and awkward! I loved it!

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