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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

"Play Date"

I LOVE getting out and spending time with friends! Especially those who are in the same point of life as me. Today I was able to meet up with my friends Hailey and Natalie! We ate lunch and walked around the mall. It is so nice just getting out and having a little 'play date'! I need to start doing that more often!

Hailey's little boy Gage is just a month older than Hannah. They are getting to the age where they are starting to interact with each other somewhat. It is so fun to see! Hannah does get a little TOO interested in Gage. She just wants to grab him and eat him! So funny. Well Gage probably doesn't think so!

I didn't get pics unfortunately, but I did get a video of the "Hannah Monster" trying to grab sweet Gage.

I have had friends mention recently that it would be fun to do a play date group and I am seriously considering it. I think it would be so fun and so nice to get together with other Mommies my age to just hang out with and just get out of the house! So any Mommies out there interested? Let me know!

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